Google Penguin Update is it Justified – Searching for an Answer

Hi everyone on the web. I’m a Search Engine Optimizer and I’m working in this field during the last five years. Before saying anything about this blog post, I want to make it very sure that I’m not an anti-Google individual or I don’t have any single wish to impose anything wrong on Google. What I’m going to express in this blog is truly depend on my research and I am posting it just to find out a valid reason of my queries.

Google Penguin update is the talk of the web world since it first appeared on 24th April, 2012. Like all other previous major updates like Panda, Penguin update is a ‘big jerk’ for all those SEO executives who want to get their site ranked in Google by using unfair ways. This update was a threat to those websites who use unauthenticated means to improve their search rankings in Google. This update is mainly a penalty for those who use any spam methods to boost their rankings.

I have thought a lot and at the same time researched in a great extent when I first read the update in details. However, Google tried to prevent spam while updating the Penguin Update. But is this update really justified?  I again want to remember you all that I am not against Google or I’m not someone who likes to spam on Google.

1. This doubt came to my mind when I was googling with the keyword SEO. I found that while searching with the keyword SEO, a blog has come at the first page on I examined the blog with my limited knowledge and honestly speaking I didn’t find a single thing that could be considered as a solid reason to elevate the blog in the Google page ranking.

First of all, this blog has numerous ‘Door Way Page’. If you click on the ‘Training’ menu of the blog, you will find drop downs like SEO, PPC training, PPC, Branding, Web Design, that carry links of another website. Now ‘Doorway Page’ is considered as a spam in Google. I have no idea why Google is ignoring this.

Apart from that, this Blog has no Google page rank, lower Alexa Ranking, and it is still cached by Google. It has also so many deficiencies regarding the on-page optimization. This blog allows the guest to comment with link(although no follow) and the guests frequently visit at the site and put their links.

2. Another thing I noticed while reading a blog posted by “” about Penguin Update. The blogger mentioned that in Google search result an edu site is coming at the second page of Google while searching with the keyword Viagra.

Now this is amazing. Why an Education site should be placed on the search results of ‘Viagra’? Everyone will ask by seeing this that what is the relationship between Viagra and Education websites? The same question came to my mind also. However, I have not found any valid reason for that. Is this an effect of the Google Penguin Update? I’m still looking for the answer.
Penguin Update & Its Effect

Now, I am mentioning the most important culmination of the discussion. Actually the valid reason might be found from the recent discussion made in the blog "’s-anti-seo-ads-a-wake-up-call”. According to the blogger, Google has made all these changes in its algorithm just to promote Google Ad Words. Before Google Penguin update the people saw the Google Webmaster tools ad when they searched a site. However, after Google Penguin Update, people have seen the ad regarding ‘Anti Organic SEO’ text ad in order to promote Google Adwords service. When searched by the keywords ‘SEO’ in the following ad is likely to appear.
Google Anti Campaign SEO Ad
It is written on the ad that “Forget about SEO, to excel in Google try Adwords”. What I’m trying to explain is that google, somehow is trying to promote their Google Ad Words ad through the negative campaigning on SEO. Of course I may be wrong, but at that case is it justified that one of the Adwords Guideline is publishing the misleading ads?

According to the blogger mentioned above, Google is doing this just to make profit through Adwords. SEO does not generate money for Google but Google Adwords does the same. As a result Google is giving more importance on Adwords rather than organic SEO.

So, from the above discussion it is clear that although Google has made this Penguin Update it has its own flaws. Obviously Google may have some different explanation about this. However, as an organic Search Engine Optimizer, I am really confused about its future.